Hi! I'm Biddy

I am a Yoga teacher, on my way to becoming a Yoga Therapist, living in Delft (the Netherlands). In 2017 I founded Yoga Vayu. I have been teaching in person classes and workshops in the greater Delft area (Delft, the Hague, Utrecht) and I have been organizing workshops and retreats both in the Netherlands, abroad and online. I have over 700 training hours and certifications in  several Yoga styles, that all come together here on this platform.

I believe that there is a Yoga for every body. All body types, all abilities and all energy levels can find a practice that is right for them. My goal is to help you find a practice that fits you.

Yoga Therapy

I am a Yoga Therapy trainee with the The Yoga Therapy Institute. Currently I am in the practical stage of facilitating 14 case studies, after which I will work on my final report as a last step to becoming a certified Yoga Therapist. I love working with clients one-on-one and in a trauma informed way. It's amazing to me, to see the effects the practices of yoga can have and how they can support us in our life.

Although all yoga is potentially therapeutic and healing, yoga therapy is the specific application of yoga tools—postures/exercises, breathwork, meditation techniques, and more—to address an individual’s physical, mental, and emotional needs. (-  source International Association of Yoga Therapists).

If you would like to know more, or join my case studies, you can find the information here!

Online Yoga classes + community

I love teaching Yoga, something that actually came as a surprise! The reason I started my Yoga Teacher training was because I really wanted to understand why practicing Yoga had made me feel so much better. However when we had to teach our first practice classes in the training something clicked and I found out how amazing it is to find that one thing you might actually be meant to do! I have not looked back since.

Through Yoga I met so many people from all over the world and I found that I missed being able to practice with them. So that's when the idea for an online Membership and classes was born. You can now join me from anywhere in the world and I love being able to grow a community of like minded souls here.

A few other facts about me?

Since 2006 I have been living with my love Joost, we have a dog (Jilly) that we co-parent with my mom. I love food, both preparing it and eating it. I love music, both listening to it and playing it. I am a geek, I love tech and nerding out. I'm a gamer, a book reader (although lately I have preferred audiobooks). I love nature but find that I can also be quite happy staying in when need be (thanks for the info lockdowns!). I love love love my friends. Because they are all crazy talented at what they do, one of my favorite things to do is create beautiful things with them. 

Training & Certification

I am lucky to have trained with some of the people that inspire me. Please find them here:

Certifications & Completed Training

For my 875 hour Yoga Therapy Certification I am currently in the middle of my case studies.
To be able to start those, I have successfully finished the following training modules at The Yoga Therapy Institute:
  • Yoga Therapy Foundation (100 hr.)
  • Yoga Therapy for Muscular-skeletal injuries & Low Back Pain (50 hr.)
  • Yoga Therapy for Cardiovascular & Respiratory Issues (50 hr)
  • Yoga Therapy for Muscular-skeletal injuries & Low Back Pain (50 hr.)
  • Yoga Therapy for the Nervous System, Degenerative Disease & Pain Clinic (50 hr.)
  • Trauma-Informed Yoga Therapy (35 hr.) with Esther vd Sande 
  • Safety in Yoga Nidra and Relaxation for Yoga Therapy (12 hr.)
  • Applied Somatic Counselling Skills for Yoga Therapists (35 hr.) with Esther vd Sande
  • Yoga Therapy for Reproductive, Family and the Aging Process (50 hr.)
  • Yoga Therapy for Digestive Issues & The Gut Link (50 hr.)
  • Yoga Therapy Applications of Asana, Pranayama & Restorative Yoga (50 hr.)
  • Yoga Therapy for Endocrine & Immune System Disorders (50 hr.)
  • Yoga Therapy for Cancer Patients & People Affected by Cancer (50 hr.)
  • Ayurvedic Healing & Yoga Therapy (50 hr.)

  • Modern Yoga Teacher Training - Heart & Bones (300 hr.)
  • Embodied Restore & Relax (35 hr) - Adelene Cheong
  • Restorative Yoga (60 hr) - level 2 with Judith Hanson Lasater & Lizzie Lasater
  • Savasana Intensive (20 hr) - Judith Hanson Lasater & Lizzie Lasater
  • Pranayama Intensive (20hr) - Judith Hanson Lasater
  • Yoga Philosophy:  Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (20 hr) - Judith Hanson Lasater
  • Angelus Teacher Enhancement - Erica Jago
  • Yoga Nidra (20 hr) @ Mangalam
  • Kids Yoga (28 hr) @ Rainbow Kids
  • Flow Yoga (alignment oriented) @ Blauwe Vlinder (200 hr.)

Experience & Places you can find me


I will be a co-trainer at 200 hr. Trauma-Informed Teacher Training by the Yoga Therapy Institute in March 2025.


I have been teaching full-time since 2017 the greater Delft area and on retreats in the Netherlands and Portugal.

I am always so grateful to assist my teachers.
- assisted Adriene (Yoga with Adriene) for all of her UK classes during her last European Roadshow (2018).
- assisted Lizzie Lasater for the Restorative Yoga Teacher Training at Yoga Moves Utrecht in November 2021 and again in June 2022.

Where to practice with me

- Here! Online on this membership, or in person through the special retreat days, weekends and weeks you can find on this website!
- At Ezzy Physiotherapy, I teach private one on one sessions for clients of Ezzy and also with you if you are interested in more 1 on 1 in person time.
- At Active Health Center in Leidschenveen you can find me every Wednesday Morning at 10.15 and Thursday Evening at 9 pm. At Active Health Center I also offer Private Yoga session for 1 to 3 people per session + Restorative Yoga Workshops and Private Classes. E-mail me for more information!

Meet Katie

I am so excited to announce that from now on the amazing Katie will be joining me at Yoga Vayu! She will take over some of the planning and the emails you receive to remind you of your upcoming events! You can say hi to her at katie@yogawithbiddy.com!

I've known Katie for several years and I love her passion, for people, for yoga, for statistics and for nerding out! I also really love her humor, so I am very excited to let you know she will be here to support both me and you! I will let her introduce herself:

I’m Katie. 🦄 I’m here to help you navigate the Yoga Vayu multiverse! This way Biddy has more time to do her magic. ✨ Some fun facts & data points about me: Katie, 28, Hungarian-Dutch living in Slovenia, yoga teacher & life coach -> I connect people, body and mind and love to create magic! I love transformers, unicorns and potatoes. 🥔😂

Show Up & Surrender Podcast

You can get to know Biddy even better by listening to the Show Up & Surrender Podcast.