Enjoy these practices that help open up the heart space and maybe let the sunshine in as Spring is coming!
Each month our lovely community manager Katie selects 3 short practices for you that you can keep coming back to during the month.
This is a great way to experience Biddy's style of teaching & how the classes are in the Yoga Vayu membership!
It's still light outside at 6pm! My heart is so happy! But because of the cold and dark months, I'm still a little slouched forward. Recognize this? Let's open our hearts and let the sunshine in together!
Enjoy this short flow class to create space in your body!
Stretch, check-in and open your heart with this quick practice at your desk!
Join Biddy for a seated slow flow, focused on your upper body. Move with awareness and time to check in with your breath as we move. You can practice seated on your Yoga mat, or chair or couch! If you practice on your yoga mat, bring 2 pillows, blocks or blankets to support your legs! It's a quickie, but you'll be surprised about how much you can do in 7 minutes!
Did you do any of the classes? Feel free to share your experience by sending a message / tagging Biddy on instagram: @yogawithbiddy
Want to practice more with Biddy? Explore her classes here.
Categories: : monthly playlist